"Allaah will not you leave you believers in your present state till He shall separate the wicked

from the good. And Allaah will not let you know the unseen.

But Allaah chooses of His messengers whom He will, (to receive knowledge thereof).

So believe in Allaah and His messengers.

If you believe and adopt cautiousness, yours will be a vast reward."



The muslims in general as well as the aalims agree that a person, who is called as 'mahdee' will appear some period before the re-arrival of Eesaa (Jesus – peace upon him), and that he will fight the evil anti-Islaamic forces and prevail over them and establish justice in the world. 

The hadeeth books describe his attributes, one of them being that he will be from an Arab tribe, which is irrelevant. His important attribute should be, as his attributive name 'mahdi' suggests, he must be guided by Allaah, for delivering the guidance to the people. 

If you ask the aalims about mahdi, they will give a long narration about him. You must ask them whether he would come (with guidance) by his own will and wish, or whether he will be 'sent' by Allaah (with the guidance).  In case he is a person 'sent' by Allaah, it means, in other words, he is a messenger of Allaah.

As proved in the previous chapter, it is the will of Allaah that he sends messengers after the prophets, confirming that which was given to the prophets. So there is no point in resisting or trying to hide the fact. The earlier messengers have not avoided declaring their messenger-hood because of fear of rejection by the people, nor has Allaah stopped sending messengers because the earlier people rejected them. (17:59)

By studying Qur-aan, we know that the essential purpose of sending messengers is to bring to the people bayyinaath : clarified or clear signs, i.e., explanations from out of the book given to the prophet, so that they are brought out of the darkness towards the light.

In an earlier chapter, I have given the meaning of the attributive word 'mathaani' given to Qur-aan, to prove that swalaah consists of two rak'ats, as Qur-aan is called mathaani - that which is (read) a second time. It is true in another sense, i.e., Qur-aan will be read twice on the people, once by prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and once by expected mahdi, a messenger.

When the believers recognize mahdi and follow him, hundreds of verses of Qur-aan will become active again and several will be fulfilled.

For example, our distracters -- the munafiqeen and their masters -- might be feeling elated that by dividing and misguiding the ummah after our prophet, verse 34:49, has been rendered false, which says:

"Say: The Truth has come, and falsehood starts not and will not return      "

This verse will in-sha-Allaah stand fulfilled after the second reading.

It is said that Mahdee (peace upon him), will be spotted or recognized while in tawaaf of Ka'bah and that the believers will swear bai'ath (deal) at his hands.

It seems nobody has so far given a serious thought as to the reason for his being spotted or recognized or found near Ka'bah.

Now, several million Muslims go to Hajj and umrah, but while we do the tawaaf of the Ka'bah, we are all busy in doing tasbeeh of our Creator. Despite being aware of the above information, nobody is looking for or searching or hoping to find Mahdee – during his tawaaf. That means, in the special circumstances that will prevail at that time, the believers - and also their enemies - will be on the lookout for Mahdee, for their own reasons. The believers will be eager to see and meet their guided best friend, and the munafiqeen will be desperate to get hold of the man who has brought the guidance, laying waste centuries of their successful efforts and expenditures to misguide the Ummah. I give below the probable reason for the people spotting Mahdee near the Ka'bah. 

As he will appear in a modern world, with all modern facilities available to him too, he might publish the explanations - bayyinaath – using the best method which Allaah will show to him, and might be in the Grand Mosque in Makkah hiding from the hypocrites, munafiqoon. When he goes to do the tawaaf of Ka’bah, the believers, mu’minoon, who will be on the lookout for him, will spot him and do bai’ath at his hands.


The probable reasons I have written above for Mahdee (pbuh) being recognised in the Haram, are not explanations of things based on Qur-aan. Normally, I would not like to write things which are not based on the Qur-aanic verses. But because of similar situations which I have experienced in the past, which I have detailed below, I am in a position to explain the probable reason for Mahdee hiding or being found in the Haram.

Starting from 1996, on several occasions, I have distributed material, which I hoped that it would serve as guidance to the people. The first two propagations related to the followers of other religions. 

And then in a later year, I tried to spread the message of Qur-aan to our brothers in a particular group,. i.e., the Tableegh Jamaa-ath.  And then in another year the matter related to the Muslims in general, i.e., the unity of the Muslims and the reformation of our prayers to conform to Qur-aan.

Until then the publications were all in the English language. Being a non-Arabic language, wherever I quoted verses from Qur-aan, I had to give the translation of the verses and then give the explanations, based on the translation.  The people who did not want such reform to take place, started saying that my translations of the verses were incorrect. It means, therefore, that the explanations given based on those translations of the verses were also incorrect. I realized that if I write these matters in any language other than Arabic, the detractors everywhere have a chance to misguide the common Muslims, giving similar misinformation. 

Sometimes they tell the people that even though the translation of the verses might be correct, but still there can be error due to the fact that many words in Arabic have 6, 8 or 10 meanings. I say:  “If there are 8 meanings for a word, does my translation contain a ninth meaning? It is a language chosen by Allaah for His last book; did he choose a wrong language? It is a language spoken by millions of people; how many times in a day an Arab says something and then his servant or son or wife does another thing, understanding another meaning for the words said by him?”

Therefore, thereafter I started to translate my writings into the Arabic language, because there is no need to translate the verses; just quote the verse and then give the explanations. No chances of anyone accusing me of “wrong translation” of the verses of Qur-aan. So I translated my writings about Unity of Muslims and about prayers and some general articles into the Arabic language. This year, again I have completed translation of decisive articles into Arabic, which will be much appreciated by people who are looking for the ways and means to unite the Ummah.

Whether followers of another religion or groups of our own religion, everyone is so firm in his belief that anything going against their established beliefs, even if quoted from Qur-aan, enrages them. So, I had to be careful and go to a safe place after I publish such matter, to protect myself against their anger.

But I cannot hide the good knowledge Allaah has given to me. I have to publish it as I cannot hide it. I cannot hide them to please the Munafiqeen. And what better place there is to begin disseminating the matter than from Makkah, which was the starting-place of our prophet's mission.


“And thus We have inspired in you a Lecture in Arabic, that you may warn the mother-town and those around it, and may warn of a day of assembling whereof there is no doubt. A host will be in the Garden, and a host of them in the Flame.” (42:7)


So, I have published things that will surely be a solace for those Muslims who are longing for a break from the dismal condition in which the Ummah is. So I have published them and I am seeking refuge with Allaah in the house shown by Him.

And what safer place is there in the world than in the shades of Ka'bah, about which Allaah has said :


“Indeed the first Sanctuary appointed for mankind was that at Makkah, a blessed place, guidance to the peoples,

wherein are Signs made plain; the place where Ibraaheem stood; and whosoever enters it, is safe.” (3:96, 3:97 part)



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